Kwame Ture – Making the Unconscious, Conscious

Introduction 33 April 2023

Kwame Ture – Making the Unconscious, Conscious

“Our task is not to teach the unconscious to be conscious but to make them conscious of their unconscious behaviour because unconscious, instinctively they seek Freedom.

What we must do, is make them conscious.

Look you want Freedom anyway, let’s be serious, let’s sit down, let’s plan it, let’s wage protracted war and let’s tear down the system and let’s walk on to Liberation.

It is as simple as that.

Those of us who are revolutionary, are not concerned with issues, we are concerned with the system.

We must know clearly the difference between Mobilization and Organisation

One of the characteristics of Mobilization is that it is temporary

Organisation is permanent and eternal

Clear differences must be made because the unconscious, can usually be captured easily around one issue item’s, around Mobilization item’s but it’s hard to catch them around organisation but these unconscious must be brought to organisation.

We must transform Mobilization to Organisation

If we are not careful, we allow Mobilization to become events.

The Struggle is never a event, it’s a process, ah continual eternal processYou know our theme is Organisation,

We want POWER

We don’t want money

We don’t want fame

We don’t want fortune

We don’t want popularity


And POWER comes only from the Organised MASSES

As Pan – Africanist we have every right to be concerned with it.

African after all is the richest continent on the face of the Earth, properly Organised she will be the most Powerful Continent on the face of the Earth

Therefore our drive to POWER is clear.

A MASS Party

Every African in the world inside our body

That’s what I’m working for and if I don’t get it, my granddaughter ganna get it but I’m working for it.

We will never tire of saying it, Capitalism does not LIE some of the time, it LIES all of the time. When it tells the Truth it’s the result of a Double Lie. It’s a logical fact

So Capitalism has us believe you can’t organise all the people around the same thing

That’s not true

You can organise all the people around One thing – TRUTH

Now what Capitalism will try to make it appear, as if the truth is not one truth but anybody can have the truth.

This is stupidity

Nobody is born with the truth inside of them, if they were they wouldn’t need to live

We come to know the truth from outside of us

Some people think they know the truth because they were born to know the Truth, that’s a Lie

You know the TRUTH from constant Struggle against LIES

That’s how you know the TRUTH

For example they try make it appear, as if we Africans will not arrive at Uniting ourselves even around the question of our Identity.

You may call some of the Africans but some call themselves Black, some still call themselves Coloured.

That’s fact but this is because they have been miss educated by a system which seeks to keep us divided and this is the TRUTH

We must be One Thing

We are Africans, end of discussion

This Struggle is not a easy struggle

The Struggle to go from Negro to Black was a difficult struggle

Capitalism did everything to roll it back, even had us confused

I’m not Black, look at me I’m brown coloured. Yes

I’m not Black I got Indian blood in me. Oh

What nonsense they didn’t have us say, just to run away from the TRUTH

Once your just African, ain’t no question

All Africans, Once you have proper identity, one of your biggest problems SOLVED

Because a People must know their National Interest, A People must have a cleat understanding of their National Interests

The first Conscious act in Organising our People is to let them know who they are

A African United Front

My Brother’s and Sister’s, I will tell you the Truth

You must never get discouraged in struggle. You will build something and the enemy will knock it down and you have to start from zero.

As a matter of fact, the easiest way for the enemy to take you out, is to make you frustrated and disgusted:


Oh I went to that meeting, they ain’t doing nothing, I ain’t got not time for them, till they get serious, I ain’t going there.

What you doing?I ain’t doing nothing


And they really think they are intelligent, they think they made a great statement.

In spite of obstacles, you must do your work

In spite of obstacles, you must persevere

Chinese say if you make a error and you know it’s a error, you don’t correct the error, you made your second error

Our People have only one stage left in their struggle and that is MASS Organisation

Malcolm X was assassinated when he was in-between Organisations, Building Organisations.

I saw quickly.

I said Ooh, so they killed him before he got his Organisations off the ground

If Malcolm X had got his Organisations off the ground, they couldn’t touch him that easily because Malcolm X was not a Mobilizer, he was a Organiser

History plays it’s self out, even if the leaders play themselves out

History Will Not Be Denied

Our People are looking for direction and the conscious must provide direction

And the direction the conscious must provide is to make the unconscious, conscious of their unconscious behaviour

So no master plan is necessary here

The people are looking of Unity

Let’s give them Unity in a United Front

The people are looking for POWER

Let’s give them Organisations

The masses want Unity

Let’s move from Mass Mobilization to MASS Organisation

We intend to Organise Africans in Africa, Africans in the Caribbean, Africans in South and Central America, Africans in the United States of America, Africans in Canada, Africans in Europe, Africans in Africa into ONE Organisation

A African United Front”

- Kwame Ture ( Extracts / Fragments )